This elearning focuses on the basics of Risk Management.


Risks may seem daunting, but handled correctly you can turn them into business opportunities.  The purpose of risk management is not to eliminate risk, but to understand it so that you can take advantage of the upside and minimize the downside. This requires clarity on what risks you are prepared to take, how much, and that you have processes in place to manage them.


The ISO 31000 is the international standard that provides a comprehensive guide to comprehensive risk analysis and assessment with the aim of helping organizations structure an effective Risk Management system.


This course will take about 2 hours to complete, and will provide the participant with a better understanding on the concept of Risk Management.

The course meets the following requirements


• The basics of Risk Management.

• How to perform qualitative risk assessment in own organization.

• How to perform, implement and improve risk management in own organization.



This course pack is focused on all who are working on or preparing for transition to HLS based standards

E-learning module (to register click on the course title)