Data analytics has already changed several industries and the power sector is next. Whilst there are many positive impacts currently being realized from data analytics, with more to come, there are also challenges to be overcome.
V dôsledku invázie na Ukrajinu sa DNV na začiatku marca rozhodla ukončiť všetky obchody s ruskými subjektmi. Naďalej podporujeme našich kolegov na Ukrajine, v Rusku aj inde v regióne, ako najlepšie vieme a to za mimoriadne ťažkých okolností.
Leading global certification, assurance and risk management provider DNV is set to grow its medical device assurance capabilities through its acquisition of Germany-based notified body, MEDCERT.
The two companies aim to build the world’s largest industrial cyber security practice to safeguard critical infrastructure in energy, maritime, manufacturing, chemicals, healthcare and other sectors.